About the author
PhDr. Denisa Hledíková, MBA
She has worked in the field of assisted reproduction since 2010, and has guided hundreds of couples towards the dream of a family. She had the opportunity to gain experience in clinics in Czech Republic and at the Kinderwunschzentrum Goldenes Kreuz in Vienna.
The idea to create this book was born when working abroad, inspired by many similar publications by foreign authors. A similar product has been missing on the Czech market and this is the first and only one of its kind.
"I had the opportunity to speak with many parents who have children with the help of assisted reproduction, and most of them were honest with their children. However, they agree that if they had had something to help them, the process would have been easier and less stressful. I would like both parents of these children and those around them not to perceive assisted reproduction as something strange, or perhaps something to be ashamed of. The main idea is that children are conceived in love. The way that love turns into life is, in my opinion, beside the point," says author Denisa Hledíková